Friday, March 17, 2006

Psychology Today: The Hidden Side of Happiness

Psychology Today: The Hidden Side of Happiness
I just happened to see Psychology Today and up front and center the subject of happiness. Makes me happy, if you're

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Community gardens: growing more than vegetables

Community gardens: growing more than vegetables I like this one, I like the concept, where it came from and what it unity, a stress buster, socializing, fresh air, etc. oh, and of course our own food. I often find I don't accomplish alot unless I'm part of something. I'm really into healthy group activities of all sorts, as you can just feel the energy. I've only recently got into gardening, but everyday something new appears. It's amazing.....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Happiness: Optimism and Longevity

Happiness: Optimism and Longevity
I'm out to prove that happiness and health are hand in hand. I know because I did alot of playing the victim, which lead to poor habits and even poorer health. In fact I think I am going to right some sort of thesis/article about what the Red Hat Society has done for woman reaching 50, mentally physically and emotionally. It has brought a new view and hopes to this huge population, optmism and longevity. So if you have any material/proof postitive please post here. I'm inerested in all sources... what do ya think?
As you probably have picked out, I am going to add a more peresonal touch to my blog. I've had to make positive changes myself, and what started off as just things to help keep me going, has now become a obession. Strive for happiness.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

WebMD Emotional Health and Wellness Center - Coping with stress, depression and anxiety

WebMD Emotional Health and Wellness Center - Coping with stress, depression and anxiety - Bingo, this site has a huge aray of subjects on the positive side too, such as optimism, laughter, and a variety of articles. Have you been to any new wellness sites lately?